3 Organics Recycling Facilities along the Front Range

Discover How Easy it Is to be Green!

A1 Organics is Colorado’s Leader in Organic Recycling!

You already care about the impact you have on the environment and are trying to do your part to live sustainably. With that in mind, take it to the next level with organic recycling. Not sure what that is? Organic waste is the recycling of anything that was once alive into compost, which is a special soil amendment. At A1 Organics, we are proud to be the leader in green waste recycling in Colorado. In the past 20 years, we have helped to divert more than seven million tons of organic material from Colorado landfills! Contact us today to learn how you can use our green waste recycling services.

a row of paper leaf composting bags with a leaf rake leaning on

There are many types of organic material that can be recycled, including:

  • Grass and Leaves
  • Chipped Wood
  • Tree Limb and Branches
  • Clean lumber and Sawdust
  • Tree Log  
  • Sod and Soils
  • And much more


What We Accept
At Our Organic Recycling Facility


(No-commingling with other organics)(grass & loose leaf acceptable)

Chipped Wood

Clean wood pallet and lumber

Mixed Wood Waste
May contain: raw wood, dimensional lumber, hardboard

Brush & Limbs

Sod & Soil

(No-commingling with other organics)(sod & soil should be separated)


(No-commingling with other organics)(grass & loose leaf acceptable)

(Clear of rocks & dirt)

Logs & Tree Trunks
If logs or trunks are greater than 8 inches in diameter:
- The total diameter + length must be 8' or less. 
- 2' diameter +6' length = 8' total length
- 3' diameter + 2.5' length = 7.5' total length


What We Do Not Accept
At Our Organic Recycling Facility


No railroad ties or treated lumber

No painted, stained, or laminated lumber

No cardboard or paper

No plastic or Styrofoam

No drywall

No metal

No glass

No bricks, concrete, or rocks

We cannot unload trucks or vehicles, and we do not accept any trash.

Loads should NOT be COMMINGLED. Please follow these acceptable mixes:

  • Cut grass & loose leaf - Acceptable
  • Brush, Limb, Branch -Acceptable
  • Sod & Soil should be separated, if mixed, tipping rate defaults to sod tip rate