Organic Recycling Services in Eaton

Visit Our Corporate Headquarters for Organic Recycling Services

A1 Organics is Colorado’s Leader in Organic Recycling

We proudly serve both retail and wholesale customers at our Eaton organic recycling facility. As a member of the Colorado environmental leadership program, we do our best to help you access superior green waste services. With that in mind, contact us when you need to recycle green waste, clean wood waste, yard waste, and more. Reach out to us for a complete list of items that we can take. 

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Why work with A1 Organics in Northern Colorado?

  • Family owned and operated
  • More than 48 years of experience
  • STA Certified Composts, Mulches, Growing Medias, and Soils available for purchase
  • Mobile equipment services for rent
  • Multiple locations along the entire Front Range of Colorado
  • Member of the Colorado Environmental Leadership Program

Organic Recycling Services

You already know that recycling is beneficial for the environment, but maybe you didn’t realize just how many items can be recycled. When you work in your yard and collect piles of grass and other plant matter, be sure to bring all of your green waste to A1 Organics in Eaton. Not only will you be able to reduce the amount of waste that you send to the local landfill, but you’ll also be able to take advantage of the organic compost and mulch we create from your green waste.

A1 Organics in Eaton

Our corporate headquarters is located in Eaton on 160 acres that have been owned by A1 Organics since our company got started. In addition to being our corporate headquarters, this is another one of the composting locations we offer to retail and wholesale clients along Colorado’s Front Range. Permitted under a Use by Special Review Permit issued by Weld County, we are conveniently located on county road 76 just off of Highway 85. Contact us today to learn more about our organic recycling services or stop by our Eaton location!

What We Accept

Materials that are acceptable for drop-off at our Sheridan organics recycling facility include:

  • Branches and limbs
  • Chipped wood and saw dust
  • Logs (maximum 6 feet)
  • Sod and soils (call ahead to confirm)
  • Leaves and brush
  • Sorted KD (kiln dried) wood
  • Lawn grass

We cannot unload trucks or vehicles, and we do not accept trash (including glass, paper, plastics, cans, concrete, tires, railroad ties or edging).

Loads should NOT be COMMINGLED. Please follow these acceptable mixes:

  • Cut grass & loose leaf - Acceptable
  • Brush, Limb, Branch -Acceptable
  • Sod & Soil should be separated, if mixed, tipping rate defaults to sod tip rate

What We Sell

We offer several landscape supply products in Commerce City, including:

Class I STA Certified and OMRI® Listed Composts

Landscape Materials

Premium Mulch


16350 WCR 76
Eaton, CO 80615

Phone: (970) 454-3492

WINTER HOURS (starting 11/14/2024):

Mon: 7:00AM-4:30PM
Tue: 7:00AM-4:30PM
Wed: 7:00AM-4:30PM
Thu: 7:00AM-4:30PM
Fri: 7:00AM-4:30PM

(Last load in at 4:00pm)

Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

